Are Essential Oils Herbs?

We have a special doTerra Essential Oil Diamond Club Event going on at the office this week, so it seemed like the perfect week to ask (and answer) this question. Are essential oils herbs? Well the answer is yes and no. Essential oils do come from natural plants, but the oils themselves cannot be treated in the exact same way as the whole plant would. Essential oils are the vital oils of the plant itself. They are like it’s life-blood. It’s concentrated essence.
Here is an example: You want to have basil in your in your spaghetti sauce. If you were to use the fresh herb (which has it’s own health benefits, but that is another subject) you could use several pieces, but if you take some of your doTerra Basil oil, and put a drop or two in in will be FAR to strong! You have to dip in a toothpick, and let it set in there for a bit, because the oils are that powerful! Impressive stuff for sure. That is why they must be approached differently.
Herbs are more gentle, and holistic in the way the body handles them. Essential oils can be used as a more intense, and faster acting approach. They are a more potent form of the same action as the herb. So, in certain situations the herb would be better, in others the essential oil, and even in others it would be fine to use either. That is why picking not only the right herb and/or oil is important, but also knowing it’s potency. doTerra uses a specialized testing system to insure the purity of their oils, and that is why I use them with my clients. They are top shelf quality! Every time!
I hope you enjoyed today’s entry, and get to make it out on the 22nd at 630pm to the Diamond Club Event. As always, have a great day, God bless, and ENJOY!

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain, President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance
211 North Greenwood Ave, Fort Smith, Arkansas

Constant Can!

One of the things that people often don’ t think about when evaluating their success, and how to achieve their goals is their use of the word “can”. Now you might be questioning how the use of a single word could make any real difference in obtaining, and maintaining your goals, but it does. You see, most people mis-use the word “can”. How do you ask? They simply add a “n’t” at the end. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make. Just think about it; isn’t that how every excuse starts?

“Honey, can you mow the lawn for me?”  “I can’t, I’m watching the game.”
“Son, can you take out the trash?”  “Can’t Mom, I’m running late!”
“Johnson, can you take this to Personnel?” “I can’t, Boss. I have to return this phone call.”

The list goes on and on with all the times we use misuse the word CAN, by changing it to CAN’T. There is an old saying: “Can’t never did anything!” , and it is true. If you want to succeed, if you want to overcome, if you want to WIN, you have to start constantly saying: I CAN! Take some time today, and notice how many times you say “I can’t” verses how many time you say “I can”. You may be surprised. Change your verbiage. It can change your life! Have a great day, God bless, and ENJOY!

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain, President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance
211 North Greenwood Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas

The Consistancy of Success

As always, a funny statement with a little bit of truth in it. Consistency has so much to do with succeeding. In fact, it is imperative! If you are not consistent you will never succeed. Remember that time you started reading that book? You liked it, and wanted to finish it, but today it still lays on the night stand, unfinished. Why? Well, who knows? Maybe a movie came on TV that you wanted to watch instead, or the kids had a soccer game. Regardless of what came up, you didn’t finish the book. How does this book tie into “consistency”? Very simply. If you had devoted yourself to CONSISTENTLY read even just one page per night you would finish the book! No matter how many pages there are in the book you WOULD finish it!
As you can probably guess, we are not just talking about books here. To succeed at anything… ANYTHING… you must be consistent! Whether the goal falls in health, wealth, or relationships, it doesn’t matter! Long term, or short term, big or small, personal or business; make the commitment to work on it everyday, and you will succeed! Today pick one of your goals, even if it seems small, and commit to work on it a little everyday. It will build good habits, and help you get more out of this wonderful life that God has blessed you with. As all ways; have a great day, God bless, and ENJOY!

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance
211 North Greenwood Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas

Get out!!

Recently, my children and I had the chance to play outside a little bit and get some sunshine. After the winter weather had kept us in for a few weeks this little romp in the sun was a welcome reprieve from being inside all day. The experience brought to my mind the importance of “outside time”. Most people don’t spend much time outside unless they are a Farmer, a Rancher, a Lineman, or the like. While the world needs all types of professionals to go around it is important for EVERYONE to get time outside.
This is about more than just getting your proper amount of Vitamin D. It boosts hormone levels, blood production, immune systems, detoxification, and a host of other things! Activity done outside is even more effective at lifting mood than the same activity done inside. That means that your exercise routines can be more effective when you can do them outside. While most people can’t handle the cold temperatures of winter the rest of the year is a prime time to have some outdoor time that can really boost your health. Always remember the power of God’s Nature. It was made to be cared for, and enjoyed. So… HAVE A GREAT DAY, AND ENJOY IT!

SPECIAL REMINDER: We will be having the second part of the Wild Edible Plants Class at the office this Saturday. 630pm is the startup time! See you there!

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain, President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance
211 North Greenwood Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas

Well begun is half done…

Yes, this is a quote from Mary Poppins. While we can’t all have a carpet bag that is bigger on the inside (she must secretly be a Time Lord…) this is still an appropriate title for this post. Last time we talked about being ready to seize opportunities. Now, let’s talk about how the actual health benefits of the mindset of “being ready”.  Are there any? If so, how do they really effect me on a day-to-day basis? Let’s find out.
We touched last time on your comfort zone, and how being ready to leave it when needed is important. This is true, but it doesn’t stop there. In fact, leaving your comfort zone is not even an end result. When we are honestly being “ready”, we are saying that we trust that no matter what comes our way we can handle it. This doesn’t make us truly leave our comfort zone, but rather EXPANDS IT! That has big implications.
Let’s take an example that can not only demonstrate how it being ready actually expands the comfort zone, but also how easy it can be in our everyday life.  A young lady is afraid of horses. She is so afraid that just being around them scares her. She gets the chance one day to visit a ranch with some friends for the weekend. She knows this ranch has horses. Here she is presented with a choice: Stay in her self-imposed, limiting comfort zone, or take a “ready” mindset, and go to the ranch with her friends. She chooses to go. This expands her comfort zone ever so slightly. She gets there on Friday afternoon with the rest of her friends. Everyone is unpacking the car, and she sees in the orange sunset a group of horses in the pasture running. She sees how majestic, and beautiful they are in the golden haze, and she resolves to see one closer tomorrow… But not ride of course. Her comfort zone expands again.
Saturday comes, and the group has planned to go out hiking. They head that way, and pass the stables. She sees a copper toned horse getting it’s brushing. It seems quite happy, and content. It even nuzzles with the ranch-hand that is brushing it. Our young lady thinks that she might like to do that. That would surely be okay… But no riding. So, after she returns from the hike she does just that. Her comfort zone is quite a bit larger now.
Sunday is here, and they are leaving in the afternoon. Her friends hear about the morning ride, and want to go. Here is her final choice: go with her friends, and have a good time, or stay here, and just wait for them to get back. “Well” she thinks “I do want to spend the time with my friends… And the other people here did look like they were having fun riding… And the horses did seem to like it when I brushed them, so maybe they will like me… Okay, why not!” And she goes for the ride. This young lady who was so scared of horses that she didn’t even want to be around them is now riding one.
It all started with her choosing to be ready (even sub-consciously) to seize an opportunity. Today look for ways not to just leave your comfort zone, but expand it. You can accomplish more than just getting on a horse; trust me. Have a great day, and enjoy!

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain, President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance
211 North Greenwood Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas


Are you? You may ask “Ready for what?”. The reply would be one word: “anything”. It may sound crazy, but you really can be ready for anything. Now, I don’t mean this in the sense of having a screwdriver on you every time you need one, or a pen and paper ready every moment to write something down. What we are really getting at is the mental attitude of being ready.
When absurd things go on in your life do you allow it to “disturb your calm”, or take a deep breath, and continue on? You get a call out of the blue from a business associate that what’s to meet for lunch. Do you seize the opportunity to get to know this person better, and improve your working relationship, or stick to your rigid schedule of lunch at your desk? When your child wants to play with you do you go for it, or do you sit, and watch the television show you watch every night?
Variety is said to be the spice of life, and to an extent it is. It is very easy for us to stay in our little routines that are so comfortable, but the greatest things in life are often found by branching out from our current position in life. This doesn’t mean we have to abandon our routines. They provide us with a feeling of safety, and security. Remember though, that having a “ready” mindset provides us with an equally important feeling; Self-Confidence. Self-confidence can never be achieved by remaining in our comfort zones, and not being READY to change.
Be on the look out for the little hints God gives us through life that indicate that positive change is available. Be ready for them. Have the mindset that no matter what comes your way… YOU ARE READY! Next time we will talk about how this actually improves your health. Have a great day, and enjoy!

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain, President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance
211 North Greenwood Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas

Weedy Num Nums…

A fun title for a fun subject! In anticipation of our presentation this weekend this post will talk about three common “weeds” that are actually quite edible, and beneficial for a person. Here we go!

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

Considered by many to be an obnoxious weed on a perfectly mowed lawn, it actually is edible, and nutritious . The entire plant is edible- roots, leaves, and flower. Eat the leaves while they’re still young; mature leaves taste bitter. If you do decide to eat the mature leaves, boil them first to remove their bitter taste. Boil the roots before eating as well.  You can drink the water you boiled the roots in as a tea and use the flower as a garnish for your dandelion salad.

Cattail (Typha)

Known as cattails or punks in North America and bullrush and reedmace in England, the typha genus of plants is usually found near the edges of freshwater wetlands. Cattails were a staple in the diet of many Native American tribes in our area. Most of a cattail is edible. You can boil or eat raw the rootstock, or rhizomes, of the plant. The rootstock is usually found underground. The best part of the stem is near the bottom where the plant is mainly white. Either boil or eat the stem raw. Boil the leaves like you would spinach. The corn dog-looking female flower spike can be broken off and eaten like corn on the cob in the early summer when the plant is first developing. It actually has a corn-like taste to it. Yum!

Clovers (Trifolium)


Lucky you-clovers are actually edible. And they’re found just about everywhere there’s an open grassy area. You can spot them by their distinctive trefoil leaflets. You can eat clovers raw, but they taste better boiled most of the time.

There you have it. Three common “weeds” that are actually good for you! Remember that God made this world not only for us to care for and abe stewards of, but enjoy. So, have a great day, and ENJOY!

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain, President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance
211 North Greenwood Ave, Fort Smith, Arkansas

The Elixir of Life

Water… We all know that this is the most abundant fluid in the world. After all, one nick-name for the Earth is “The Blue Planet”. But, do we realize that it is the most important? Aside from air our body needs no other physical substance more. A few short days without water, and you are dead. It is the most abundant material that your body contains. It is used to make blood plasma, dilute any toxins that enter the system, adjust pH, and is used in every bodily system we have.
When we come to realize the importance of water to the system we will inevitably begin to ask questions like “How much should I drink?”, “What type of water?”, “What counts as ‘water’?” .These are all good questions, and we will be answering them. Let’s start by answering the last question first; “What qualifies as ‘water’?” This goes back to our need to be hydrated. We all know we need to stay hydrated, but not all liquids are created equal when it comes to accomplishing this.
Is coffee hydrating? Of course not. What about Milk? That hydrates, right? Nope… Your body treats that as food. The same goes for juice. Your body treats that just like you ate fruit. To simplify the matter nothing hydrates like water!  If we stay properly hydrated we have clearer skin, better digestion, and just better health in general! Water really is God’s Elixir of life!
So, grab a glass, and toast to your health!

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain. President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance
211 North Greenwood Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas

The “Footpath” To Health

Feet… Pretty much everyone has a par of these right? Most of us are content to walk on them with little, or no thought. That, however, is short changing one of the body’s very interesting members. You see, there is a lot to the feet. Each foot has 26 bones (28 if you include the sesamoid bones at the base of the big toe), 33 joints, 107 ligaments, and 19 muscles and tendons. Not to mention all the nerve ending, blood vessels, and energy pathways that are there. The foot is an amazingly efficient structure; a real testament to God’s creation. Why am I saying this? Because, that is our subject this week; feet.
Did you know that when you rub a cream, or essential oil on your feet it can actually get into your blood stream faster than through almost any other portion of the integumentary system? The pores on your feet a designed slightly differently to allow the quick absorption. Your feet also have massive amounts of nerve endings that tell your brain more about your environment than just how your socks feel, or how tight your shoes are. Even through most shoes your feet can tell you the texture, temperature, stability, incline, and shape of the ground beneath you.
Did you know they can even act as a detoxifying point for the body? The same design that lets the afore mentioned oils get into your system can let toxins out. This is why things like foot scrubs, wraps, and soaks can help eliminate those waste products from the system. Here is an interesting fact: If you have stinky feet, it means that your body is attempting to eliminate some kind of waste product that your other systems have not been handling. And here you thought that they were just sweaty…
Respect the humble feet. They carry you everywhere. Take care of them, and they can take you anywhere you want to go. Next time we will cover a few things that you can do to keep your feet (and by extension the rest of your body) healthy. In the mean time HAVE A GREAT DAY, AND ENJOY!!

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain, President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance
211 North Greenwood Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas

A few of the Awesome…

So, last time we said that we would list a few of those nutrient dense superfoods foods that are so good to have in our diet. Well, today that is what we will do. Here are three of the most “powerful” superfoods.

1) Chlorella
Chorella, a type of algae, not only keeps your skin wrinkle-free, but can also help you live longer. The phytochemicals and other nutrients found in chlorella are renowned for their disease and age-fighting properties. Chlorella also had abundant amounts of nucleic acids which promote the rejuvenation of our DNA and RNA when they are consumed, so your body heals faster and is more resilient.

2) Maca
A plant that grows similarly to a turnip or turnip, this plant has been highly prized for years. The Peruvian herb has been used for over 2,000 years to help the body heal a plethora of health conditions. It’s best known for restoring physical strength, alleviating PMS, improving fertility, and enhancing libido which has caused many a South american to nickname it “Spanish Viagra” . Maca also boosts energy levels, and may even help prevent certain forms of cancer.

3) Spirulina
Often called the “Most Nutrient-Dense Food on the Planet”, spirulina is an edible variety of fresh water, blue-green algae that is much like sea vegetables such as chlorella, kelp, nori, kuma, arame and wakame. Dr. Joseph Mercola calls spirulina “Nature’s nearly “perfect” whole food.”
In fact, spirulina is such a perfect whole food, that some people throw away your multi-vitamin supplements, instead choosing to use this superfood as their “vitamins”. It strengthens the immune system, removes toxins from your body, improves heart health, can help stabilize blood sugar levels, and much more…

I hope that this brief list of superfoods has given you some “food” for thought. (I couldn’t resist the pun…) Have a great day, and enjoy!

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain, President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance
211 North Greenwood Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas