Are you? You may ask “Ready for what?”. The reply would be one word: “anything”. It may sound crazy, but you really can be ready for anything. Now, I don’t mean this in the sense of having a screwdriver on you every time you need one, or a pen and paper ready every moment to write something down. What we are really getting at is the mental attitude of being ready.
When absurd things go on in your life do you allow it to “disturb your calm”, or take a deep breath, and continue on? You get a call out of the blue from a business associate that what’s to meet for lunch. Do you seize the opportunity to get to know this person better, and improve your working relationship, or stick to your rigid schedule of lunch at your desk? When your child wants to play with you do you go for it, or do you sit, and watch the television show you watch every night?
Variety is said to be the spice of life, and to an extent it is. It is very easy for us to stay in our little routines that are so comfortable, but the greatest things in life are often found by branching out from our current position in life. This doesn’t mean we have to abandon our routines. They provide us with a feeling of safety, and security. Remember though, that having a “ready” mindset provides us with an equally important feeling; Self-Confidence. Self-confidence can never be achieved by remaining in our comfort zones, and not being READY to change.
Be on the look out for the little hints God gives us through life that indicate that positive change is available. Be ready for them. Have the mindset that no matter what comes your way… YOU ARE READY! Next time we will talk about how this actually improves your health. Have a great day, and enjoy!

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain, President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance
211 North Greenwood Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas

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