Constant Can!

One of the things that people often don’ t think about when evaluating their success, and how to achieve their goals is their use of the word “can”. Now you might be questioning how the use of a single word could make any real difference in obtaining, and maintaining your goals, but it does. You see, most people mis-use the word “can”. How do you ask? They simply add a “n’t” at the end. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make. Just think about it; isn’t that how every excuse starts?

“Honey, can you mow the lawn for me?”  “I can’t, I’m watching the game.”
“Son, can you take out the trash?”  “Can’t Mom, I’m running late!”
“Johnson, can you take this to Personnel?” “I can’t, Boss. I have to return this phone call.”

The list goes on and on with all the times we use misuse the word CAN, by changing it to CAN’T. There is an old saying: “Can’t never did anything!” , and it is true. If you want to succeed, if you want to overcome, if you want to WIN, you have to start constantly saying: I CAN! Take some time today, and notice how many times you say “I can’t” verses how many time you say “I can”. You may be surprised. Change your verbiage. It can change your life! Have a great day, God bless, and ENJOY!

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain, President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance
211 North Greenwood Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas

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