Spring Cleaning

Good day everyone! Well, the official first day of Spring passed just last week, and you can feel it in the change in the air. And while some think of sunshine, flowers, and picnics; others think of pollen, ragweed, and allergies. We don’t really encourage people to focus on the things they don’t like, but some do anyway. It can help to look at those things in a different perspective. During the Spring, and Fall are the times your body naturally cleans as best it can. This is why allergies are more intense during these seasons.
Why is this important? Well, if you support this process your body while it is cleaning out then you can not only greatly lessen the severity of the allergies, but alleviate the allergic sensitivity! It is possible. Your body has a great capacity to heal, and allergies are really just your body reacting in a highly sensitive way because of a past programed reaction that has been stored in your brain, and subconscious. Things like that are completely fixable!
Friday we will talk about a few things that you can do to help support your body in it’s cleansing, healing process. They will be gentle, and calming to the body as well for added benefits. So, keep up with the posts everyone! Have a great day, God bless, and ENJOY! 🙂

In truth, sincerity, and love,
Adam L. Spain, President and Trustee of The Eden Wellness Alliance211 North Greenwood Avenue, Fort Smith, Arkansas

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